Perianal abscess

“An anal abscess is a painful condition, involving a collection of pus that develops near the anus.”

What Are The Risk Factors Of A Perianal Abscess?

These factors are:

1. Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel diseases)
2. Diabetes
3. A weakened immune system attributed to illnesses such as HIV or AIDS
4. Anal sex
5. Usage of certain medications such as prednisone or other steroids
6. Chemotherapy or history of chemotherapy
7. Constipation
8. Diarrhoea

A perianal abscess is not limited to only adults. They can also affect children and toddlers. This is usually observed in children with a history of anal fissures caused by constipation.

What Are The Symptoms Or Warning Signs If I Have A Perianal Abscess?

One of the most common symptoms of an anal abscess is the constant pain and throbbing in the anal region. This pain is usually accompanied by swelling in the anal area and may cause greater pain during bowel movements.

Other symptoms may include:

1. Anal discharge or bleeding
2. Fever and chills

Some patients may experience a red, swollen lump that is tender to the touch at the rim of the anus. The infection can result in fever and chills.

You may also experience rectal bleeding or urinary difficulties.

Anal abscesses may also occur deeper and further in the rectum. They are more commonly observed in patients who have inflammatory bowel diseases, which may result in pain or discomfort of the abdominal area as well.